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Fritas de mandioca, pão de queijo

Voilà la suite de nos recettes !

Notre conseil : Si vous ne possédez pas de sauteuse ou de friteuse, vous pouvez verser moins d’huile dans une poêle et mettre vos frites dedans. Les retourner quand vous pensez qu’elles sont suffisamment cuites d’un côté.

Nous avons remplacé le lait par du lait d’amande mais vous pouvez le remplacer par un autre lait végétal à votre convenance. Nous avons aussi remplacé le fromage par du fromage de soja et le beurre par de la margarine.

//Here are some more recipes !

Manioc fries

Preparation Time : 35 minutes

Cooking Time : 50 minutes

For 6 people

Ingredients :

For the sauce :

Fresh red chillis : 6

Apples : 3

Lemon juice : 2 tablespoons

Sugar : 150 g

For the fries :

Fresh manioc : 1 kg

Frying oil : 90 cL


Preparation :

Step 1

Make the sauce. Wash and cut the chillis in the length. Remove the seeds and filaments. Peel the apples, cut them in 4 pieces and remove the heart. In a pot, pour the lemon juice and sugar. Add the apple pieces and the chilli pieces. Let it cook over low heat during 25 minutes, stir from time to time.

Step 2

When the apples are tender, pour the preparation in the blender, blend and let it cool down. This sauce can be store in the fridge during 2 weeks.

Step 3

Prepare the manioc. Crack the thick skin until the pinkish flesh. Put the blade of the knife un der this skin to peel the manioc. Wash and cut it in 8 cm ieces. Cook it in salty water. It’s cooked when it’s yellow and tender, like a potato. Drain it, remove the hard filament in the heart and let it dry. You can store this manioc during 3 days in the fridge and 1 month in the freezer.

Step 4

Heat up the oil in a skillet or a fryer at 360°F and dive 10 fries at most in the same time. They are ready when they are crispy and golden, after 5 minutes of cooking. Drain them on an absorbant paper, salt it and serve immediately with the sauce.

Our tip : If you don’t own a skillet or a fryer, you can put less oil in a pan and put your fries in it too. Turn them around when you think they are cooked enough on one side.

Cheesy bread

Preparation Time : 30 minutes

Cooking Time : 25 minutes

For 25 pieces

Ingredients :

Tapioca : 250 g

Soy/coconut/almond/… milk : 200 mL

Margarine : 30 g

Soy cheese : 125 g

Salt : ½ tablespoon.

Preparation :

Step 1

Preheat the oven at 400°F. Boil the milk, margarine and salt.

Step 2

In a bowl, pour the tapioca and pour the boiled mix over it. Mix with a wooden spoon so that the tapioca absorbs the liquid. Add the gratted cheese and knead the preparation during around 10 minutes.

Step 3

When it’s homogenous, knead the preparation with your hands during a few minutes until you get a compact ball. Form small balls with your hands, around the same size as a big walnut. Put them on a pastry tray or a grid from the oven, covered with parchemin paper.

Step 4

Put in the oven during 23 to 25 minutes (until you get a pretty color). Serve immediately.

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