Tanzanie//Tanzania !!
Voilà la Tanzanie !
Monique a commenté sur notre article de la semaine dernière que nous devrions manger l'Europe la semaine prochaine. Le sort a ensuite décidé que ce serait l'Estonie !
- Mijoté de légumes : https://www.latendresseencuisine.com/mijote-de-legumes-lait-de-coco-et-cacahuetes/
Oui, je sais, les brownies ne sont pas originaires de Tanzanie. Je suis tombée sur cette recette car l’auteur veut que les gens utilisent du chocolat de Tanzanie pour la faire (mauvaise idée, en passant, si vous habitez dans un pays loin de la Tanzanie, ça consomme beaucoup d’énergie pour le transport). Mais bon, nous avons fait la recette, nous l’avons adapté en version végane alors pourquoi ne pas vous la partager ? Excusez-nous pour notre erreur, on essaye d’éviter mais on en fait ! ;)
Nous n’avons pas mis d’oeufs, nous avons remplacé le beurre par de la margarine et nous avons ajouté 2 cuillères à soupe d’huile de coco, un demi verre de lait de coco (un autre lait végétal convient aussi) et 50 g de fécule de tapioca (cela peut être de la fécule de maïs aussi mais il nous restait du tapioca). Cela donne une texture plus élastique mais le goût est là ;)
Attention ! Tous les cacaos ne sont pas vegans, il faut vérifier qu’il n’y ait pas de lait dans les ingrédients ;)
//Here is Tanzania !
Monique commented on our last week's post that we should eat Europe next week. The chance then decided that it would be Estonia !
Simmered vegetables
Preparation Time : 20 minutes
Cooking Time : 50 minutes
For 6 people
Ingredients :
Spinach : 750 g
Coconut milk : 20 cL
Peanuts/Peanut butter : 80 g
Carrots : 3
Red pepper : 1
Big onion : 1
Oil : 2 tablespoons
Powdered garlic : 1 tablespoon/3 cloves
Preparation :
Step 1
Wash the pepper, remove the tail and seeds then cut it in slices before cutting it in cubes.
Step 2
Chop an onion.
Step 3
Peel the carrots, cut them in 2 in the length and each length in 3 to 4 slices according to the size of your carrots then cut them in cubes.
Step 4
Pour the three vegetables in a wok (or a pot if you don’t have a wok) with the oil and cook over low heat and under a cover until the carrots are tender enough.
Step 5
If you choose the peanuts over the peanut butter (good choice, BTW), mix the peanuts with half of the volume of water.
Step 6
Once the carrots are cooked, add the peanut cream you made or the peanut butter (I choose that, you know) and mix it with the vegetables.
Step 7
Add the spinach and mix everything together.
Step 8
Add coconut milk and let it cook over high heat while stiring often to evaporate the overflow of liquid.
Step 9
Add the garlic and mix.
Step 10
Finally, you get a creamy preparation and not a liquid one.
Step 11
Serve hot with a cereal of your choice.
Yes, I know, brownies are not from Tanzania. We found this recipe because the author wanted people to use chocolate from Tanzania to do it (bad idea, by the way, if you don’t live in a country close to Tanzania, it costs a lot of energy for the transport). But well, we made this recipe, we adapted it in a vegan version so why not share it with you ? Sorry for our mistake, we try to avoid them but we make some ! ;)
Preparation Time : 20 minutes
Cooking Time : 25 to 30 minutes
For 8 people
Ingredients :
Coconut oil : 2 tablespoons
Soy/almond/coconut milk : 1 cup
Tapioca/corn starch : 50 g
Powdered sugar : 120 g
Brown sugar : 120 g
Cocoa or real chocolate : 100 g
Margarine : 170 g
Flour : 40 g
Walnuts, almonds, grated coconut, ... to taste
Preparation :
Step 1
In a bowl, mix the coconut oil, the milk, the sugars until the brown sugar is dissolved enough but don’t form a white and foamy mix.
Step 2 a
If you choose the chocolate over the cocoa (good idea, BTW), put a bowl on a pot filled (but not too much) with water, boil the water and put chocolate in the bowl to melt it. Then pour it in the bowl from step 1.
Step 2 b
If you choose the cocoa over the chocolate (I did that too), add the cocoa in the bowl.
Step 3
Add the flour, stir fast.
Step 4
Put margarine on a cake plate (18x18 cm if possible) then pour the mix in it. Add walnuts, almonds or whatever you want to put in your brownies.
Step 5
Bake at 340°F during 25 to 30 minutes. Dive a knife in the cake to make sure that it’s properly cooked.
Step 6
Let it cool down before removing from the cake plate and serve.
Caution ! All cocoas are not vegan, you should read the ingredients to make sure there’s no milk in it.