Voilà la recette de ces délicieux beignets !
- Mandazi :
Nous avons remplacé l'oeuf par 30 g de fécule de maïs et assez de jus de citron pour que le mélange des deux soit liquide quand on ne le touche pas. Quand vous grattez le mélange avec une fourchette, c'est difficile de le bouger.
//Here is the recipe of those delicious donuts !
Preparation Time : Very long
Ingredients :
Flour : 500 g
Coconut milk : 120 mL
Lemon juice : ½ lemon
Corn starch : 40 g
Dehydrated baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) : 1 teaspoon
Sugar : 100 g
Warm water : 80 to 120 mL
Very soft margarine : 40 g
Cardamome, ginger and cinamon (ground) : 1 teaspoon
Chilli powder : ½ teaspoon
Oil to fry
Icing sugar to put on top
Preparation :
Step 1
An hour before beginning, put all the ingredients on the table.
Step 2
Mix the yeast in 4 tablespoons of warm water (around 33°C). Leave it alone for 5 minutes.
Step 3
Put the corn starch in a bowl and pour the lemon juice on it. Mix them together. The texture will be liquid when you don’t touch and strong when you do. If it’s not liquid, add some lemon juice.
Step 4
Add the coconut milk, margarine and sugar in the bowl and mix.
Step 5
In another bowl, mix the flour, chilli powder and other spices. Make a hole in the middle of the flour. Pour the yeast in it.
Step 6
Pour gently the other bowl in it while stiring continuously.
Step 7
Add the warm water slowly until you get a homogenous dough. It should be smooth and elastic.
Step 8
Knead the dough during 10 minutes on a flat area with flour on it.
Step 9
Put the dough in a big container (a pot or a bowl), cover it with a piece of fabric and leave it alone for 45 minutes in a place without wind.
Step 10
Divide the dough in equal bowls. With a rolling pin, flatten the bowl in a round shape and 1 cm thick.
Step 11
With a sharp knife, divide the dough in triangles or donut shapes. As you go, put the donuts on an area with flour on.
Step 12
Cover and let it stand for 10 minutes
Step 13
Heat up the oil over medium-high heat in a pot and fry the mandazis until they are golden.
Step 14
Remove them from the pot and put them in a metal strainer to remove the oil which is too much.
Step 15
Sprinkle icing sugar on them or eat them as they are.