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Risotto au potiron, Tourte au tofu, Lamingtons//Pumpkin risotto, Tofu pie, Lamingtons

Voici les recettes de la fin de semaine !

Nous avons remplacé le poulet par du tofu en bloc et le parmesan par le faux-mage parmesan que nous avons réalisé cette semaine.

Nous avons remplacé la viande par du tofu, le beurre par de la margarine et le bacon par du fakon dont nous avons partagé la recette ici. De plus, nous n'avons rien utilisé pour dorer le dessus. La tourte est un peu plus pâle mais toujours aussi goûteuse !

Nous avons remplacé les oeufs par 25 cL de crème de soja bouillie et fouettée puis déposée sur 60 g de fécule de maïs mélangés à assez de jus de citron (environ 1 citron) pour que le mélange des deux soit liquide quand on ne le touche pas. Quand vous grattez le mélange avec une fourchette, c'est difficile de le bouger.

//Here are the recipes for the end of the week !

Pumpkin risotto

Total Time : 1h20

For 6 people

Ingredients :

Rice : 1 ½ cups

Pumpkin : 750 g

Onion : 1

Oil : 1 tablespoon

Dry white wine : ½ cup

Broth : 2 ½ cups

Tofu : 1 block, cut in small cubes.

Fake parmesan (see recipe here) : some.


Preparation :

Step 1

Preheat the oven at 355 °F. Cut the pumpkin in 4 pieces, remove the green part, peel each piece, cut them in cubes.

Step 2

Bake the pumpkin cubes during 45 minutes or until they are golden (cooking the pumpkin in the oven makes the taste of it stronger and dehydrate it little.

Step 3

Once it’s cooked, remove from the oven and smash the pumpkin cubes with a fork.

Step 4

Chop the onion, sauté it in the oil in a pot. After 5 minutes, add the riz and make it golden.

Step 5

Add the wine then the broth little by little so that the rice can absorbe the liquid.

Step 6

Put the tofu on a pan and make it golden. Then remove from the heat.

Step 7

Lower the temperature under the pot, add the fake parmesan, the mashed pumpkin and the tofu. Add some pepper.

Step 8

Let it stand for 2 minutes before serving.

Tofu pie

Preparation Time : 1h45

Waiting Time : 1h

Cooking Time : 1h40

For 4 people

Ingredients :

- Dough :

Flour : 300 g

Margarine : 100 g

Warm coconut/soy/almonds/… milk : 60 mL

Warm water : 60 mL

Salt : ½ teaspoon

- Inside :

Ground tofu : 500 g

Margarine : 25 g

Onion : 1 big

Red wine : 100 mL

Broth : 150 mL

Ketchup : 1 tablespoon

Cornstarch : 1 tablespoon

Water : 1 tablespoon

Parsley : ½ bouquet, finely chopped

Nutmeg : 2 pinches

Salt, pepper

Preparation :

Step 1

Dough : Boil the water and milk, melt the margarine in it.

Step 2

Add the flour and salt. Mix.

Step 3

Knead the dough on a flat surface with flour on during a few minutes. Cover it and ût it in the fridge during an hour.

Step 4

Inside : Sauté the ground tofu in a pan with margarine. Sauté the onion in a pot.

Step 5

Add the tofu in the onion pot and sauté it during 5 minutes over medium/high heat while stiring constantly.

Step 6

Add the red wine and stir. Add the broth and the nutmeg. Cover and braise during 1h.

Step 7

Put the cornstarch in the spoon of water, add it to the tofu. Add parsley, salt and pepper.

Step 8

Let it cook for 2 minutes. Turn of the fire. Remove the extra sauce and reserve it. Let it totally cool down.

Step 9

Preheat the oven on 355°F.

Step 10

Flatten the dough at 3 mm thick on a flat area with flour on.

Step 11

Cut 4 rounds around 15 cm diameter long.

Step 12

Put the dough in the plates. Add the tofu with some sauce. Reserve the rest of the sauce. Fold the dough on the tofu.

Step 13

Collect the dough which was not used for the pies and flatten it again. Cut 4 rounds around 12 cm diameter long. Cut a plus shape in the middle of each.

Step 14

Put those rounds on the tofu, press well the borders and stick them together with water.

Step 15

Bake for 40 minutes in the middle of the oven.

Step 16

Serve hot with ketchup on top of it and with the sauce reserved next to it.


Ingredients :

For the sponge cake :

Soy cream : 25 cL

Cornstarch : 60 g

Lemon juice : 1 lemon at least

Vanilla extract : 1 teaspoon

Sugar : 200 g

Flour : 200 g

Baking powder : 1 ½ teaspoon

Melted margarine : 110 g

For the icing :

Margarine : 75 g

Coconut/almonds/oats/… milk : 25 cL

Cocoa powder : 65 g

Icing sugar : 400 g

Grated coconut : 200 g

Preparation :

Step 1

Preheat the oven at 355°F. Put margarine or cover with parchment paper a rectangle cke platel.

Step 2

In a bowl, put the cornstarch and add the lemon juice. The texture will be liquid when you don’t touch and strong when you do. If it’s not liquid, add some lemon juice.

Step 3

Boil the soy cream and whip it so that it makes foam and put the foam gradually in the bowl as it form itself.

Step 4

Add the suger, vanilla and whip everything until the dough is homogenous. Add the flour and baking powder. Add the melted margarine slowly.

Step 5

Pour the mix in the cake plate you put margarine in. Bake for 15 to 25 minutes. Make sure it’s cooked by diving a knife in the cake : if it’s clean, it’s cooked.

Step 6

Let the cake cool down then cut it in cubes of 4 to 5 cm and put in the fridge during a few hours or the whole night before icing it.

Step 7

In a pot, melt the margarine then pour the milk in it.

Step 8

Stir with a whisk and add the cocoa then the icing sugar, slowly.

Step 9

Pour the coconut in another bowl.

Step 10

Dip the cubes of cake in the humid bowl then in the coconut. Make sure there is coconut all around the cake.

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