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Antigua & Barbuda

Bonjour à tous !

Une nouvelle semaine commence et avec elle un nouveau pays que nous allons déguster. Il s'agit cette semaine d'Antigua et Barbuda, îles des Caraïbes. Léa a proposé sur notre premier article de la semaine dernière que nous mangions l'Afrique la semaine prochaine, le sort a ensuite décidé que ce serait la Zambie plus précisément. N'hésitez pas à nous faire part de vos propositions de continent pour la semaine suivante en commentaire ! :)

Nous avons remplacé les œufs par 60 g de fécule de maïs et le jus d'un citron. Aussi, nous avons remplacé le beurre par de la margarine.

//Hi everyone !

A new week begins and with her a new country that we are going to enjoy eating. It's Antigua and Barbuda, Caribbean islands, this week. Léa said in the comments of last week's first post that we should eat Africa next week, chance then decided it would be Zambia more precisely. Don't hesitate to tell us in the comments what you think we should eat during the following week ! :)

Sweet potatoes doughnuts

Preparation Time : 30 minutes

Cooking Time : 20 minutes

Waiting Time : 150 minutes

Total Time : 200 minutes : 3 hour and 20 minutes

For 6 people

For 25 to 30 doughnuts

Ingredients :

Corn starch : 60 g

Lemon juice : 1 lemon

Orange zest : 1

Flour : 300 g

Baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) : 8 g

Sugar : 150 g

Margarine (melted) : 50 g

Sweet potatoes : 500 g

Frying oil

Icing sugar

Vanilla extract : a few drops


Preparation :

Step 1

Peel, wash, cut the sweet potatoes. Put them in a pot and cover them with cold water. Cook them for 20 minutes, drain them and smash them.

Step 2

In a bowl, put the cornstarch and lemon juice. Mix them. The texture will be liquid when you don’t touch and strong when you do. If it’s not liquid, add some lemon juice. Add the sugar, vanilla extract and salt. Mix well.

Step 3

Add the orange zest, the mashed potatoes, the melted margarine then, slowly, the flour and yeast.

Step 4

Knead the dough until it doesn’t stick to the bowl and is easy to form (if it’s to sticky, add some flour ; if it’s to dry, add some soy/almond/… milk). Cover the bowl with a piece of fabric and let it stand for 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Step 5

Spread the dough with a rolling pin on a flat area with flour on. Cut some sounds with a glass, for example. Let it stand for 60 minutes.

Step 6

Heat up the oil in a pot. Dive the doughnuts in the oil and turn them around often during the cooking.

Step 7

Remove them for the pot, drain them in a metal strainer or on absorbent paper.

Step 8

Sprinkle icing sugar on it. It’s really tasty with some mint tea or a coffee.

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