Zambie !//Zambia !
Cette semaine, nous allons manger la Zambie ! :)
Pour la semaine prochaine, Charles nous a laissé un commentaire nous proposant l'Asie. Nous avons tiré les Philippines ! Si vous voulez nous proposer le continent de la semaine suivante, laissez nous un commentaire :) Ce ne sera pas la semaine prochaine puisque nous serons en vacances et pas au même endroit mais la semaine suivante. Il y aura des articles différents la semaine prochaine par contre.
- Ifisashi (sauce aux épinards et cacahuètes) :
//This week, we will eat Zambia ! :)
For next week, Charles left us a comment to say we should eat Asia. We picked the Philippines ! If you want to choose the continent for the following week, leave us a comment :) It won't be next week because we will be on vacation and not in the same city but the following week then. There will be different articles next week though.
Ifisashi (Spinach peanut sauce)
Ingredients :
Fresh spinach : 250 g
Unsalted peanuts : 100 g
Tomato : 1
Onion : 1
Water : 1 glass
Salt and pepper
Step 1
Wash and chop the spinach. Chop the peanuts.
Step 2
Wash the tomato and cut them in cubes.
Step 3
Peel and chop the onion.
Step 4
Pour the water, tomato, onion and peanuts in a pot.
Step 5
Bring to boil slowly.
Step 6
Chop the spinach.
Step 7
Add the chopped spinach, salt and pepper to the pot.
Step 8
Let it cook for 15 minutes. Blend for a smoother sauce.
Ingredients :
Corn flour/semolina : 1,2 kg
Water : 3L
Step 1
In a large pot, bring the water to boil.
Step 2
Turn of the heat, remove 1L from the pot and reserve it.
Step 3
Pour the corn flour in the pot while stirring with a wooden spoon.
Step 4
When the water is absorbed, stir strongly to get rid of the lumps.
Step 5
Add some water if it’s too thick.
Step 6
Knead and form one compact balls in a wet bowl. You can also make some smaller ones.
Hint : Nshima is dipped in different kinds of sauces, more or less spicy, which can be made of vegetables, mostly spinach or okra.