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Champignons à la grecque, Blinis//Greek mushrooms, Blinis

Voici d'autres recettes grecques ! :)


Ingrédients :

Levure de boulanger : 5 g

Lait d’amandes/soja/noix de coco : 20 cL

Farine de sarrasin : 75 g

Huile : 7 cuillères à soupe

Farine de blé : 100 g

Crème de soja : 25 cL

Préparation :

Etape 1

Mélanger la levure avec 2 cuillères à soupe de lait tiède dans un saladier. Ajouter la fairne de sarrasin. Verser un filet d’huile dessus, couvrir, laisser lever pendant 1 heure.

Etape 2

Ajouter la farine de blé, le sel, une cuillère d’huile, le reste du lait tiède.

Etape 3

Faire bouillir la crème de soja et monter en neige grâce à un fouet. Ajouter au saladier au fur et à mesure que la neige se forme.

Etape 4

Cuire 8 blinis dans une petite poêle. Servir chaud.

//Here are some more tasty recipes ! :)

Greek mushrooms

Preparation Time : 10 minutes

Cooking Time : 25 minutes

Total Time : 35 minutes

For 6 people

Ingredients :

Whole Paris mushrooms : 500 g

Dry white wine : 20 cL

Lemon juice : 10 cL

Water : 10 cL

Cilantro : 1 tablespoon

Bay leaves : 1 branche

Thyme : 1 branche

Sugar : 4 small ones

Concentrated tomato : 140 g

Onion : 1

Olive oil : 4 tablespoons

Preparation :

Step 1

Chop the onion and sauté it in a pan with the oil, cilantro, thyme and bay leaves during a few minutes without it becoming coloured.

Step 2

Add the white wine, lemon juice and water. Bring it to boil then add the concentrated tomato and sugar. Reduce it slowly during 20 minutes.

Step 3

Add the mushrooms 5 minutes before the end of the cooking.

Step 4

Let it cool down and serve cold. It will taste better the day after.

Hint : You can ground the cilantro to avoid getting it between your teeth. If the sauce is not thick enough, add a tablespoon of cornstarch in a little of water 5 minutes before the end of the cooking, bring it to boil a little.


Preparation Time : 30 minutes

Cooking Time : 10 minutes

For 4 people

Ingredients :

Baker’s yeast : 5 g

Almond/soy/coconut/… milk : 20 cL

Sarrasin flour : 75 g

Oil : 7 tablespoons

Wheat flour : 100 g

Soy cream : 25 cL

Preparation :

Step 1

Mix the yeast in 2 tablespoons of warm milk in a bowl. Add the sarrasin flour. Pour a little oil on it, cover, let it expand during 1 hour.

Step 2

Add the wheat flour, salt, 1 tablespoon of oil, the rest of the warm milk.

Step 3

Bring the soy cream boil and whisk it to make foam. Add it as it forms itself to the bowl.

Step 4

Cook 8 blinis in a small pan. Serve warm.

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