Kenya !
Nous sommes de retour, un peu plus tard cette semaine à cause de nos examens, avec le Kenya !
La semaine prochaine et les trois suivantes, nous serons en vacances de Noël donc il n'y aura pas d'articles à propos de la nourriture des pays. J'écrirai des articles à propos de plats de Noël et de ce que je vais manger pour les fêtes. Peut-être aussi sur le véganisme en général, je verrai combien de temps j'ai ;)
Nous avons remplacé le lait et la noix de coco râpée par du lait de coco.
- Nyama choma :
Nous avons remplacé la viande par différentes sortes de fausse viande : saucisses de tofu, tempeh, burgers de tofu.
//We're back, a little later this week because of our exams, with Kenya !
Next week and the following three, we'll be on Christmas break so there won't be any post about food in the countries. I'll write posts about Christmas food and what I'll eat for Christmas. Maybe also about veganism in general, I'll see how much time I have ;)
Ingredients :
Dried beans (red or white) : 250 g
Small onions : 2
Green pepper : 1
Salt : 1 tablespoon
Red pepper : ¼
Oil : 4 tablespoons
Coconut milk : 25 cL
Flat parsley : 5 branches
Tomatoes : 3
Preparation :
Step 1
The day before, dive the beans in some cold water.
Step 2
The next day, cook them in 1L of salty water during 1 hour until they are tender then drain them.
Step 3
Chop the onions and pepper. Sauté them in some warm oil with salt and pepper.
Step 4
Add the beans and continue cooking until the onions get golden. Then add the coconut milk. Continue cooking over low heat until the sauce gets thicker and become onctuous. Correct the seasoning.
Step 5
Serve as a starter, with some quarters of tomatoes and sprinkle parsley on it.
Nyama choma
Ingredients :
Tofu meat : 1 kg to 1,5 kg. I took different kinds.
Garlic : 2 cloves
Lemon juice : 2 lemons
Curry powder : 1 teaspoon
Tumeric powder : 1 teaspoon
Cilantro : 1 teaspoon
Paprika : 1 teaspoon
Salt : 2 teaspoons
Black pepper : 1 teaspoon
Preparation :
Step 1
Mash the garlic and mix it with the lemon juice and the other spices in a big glass plate.
Step 2
Add the tofu meat. Mix everything to coat the tofu meat with the marinade. Let it infuse for at least an hour.
Step 3
Grill the tofu meat on a barbecue or in the oven.
Step 4
Serve with some Irio or Ugali.
Tip : the remaining pieces can be used for the Sukuma Wiki.