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Chapatis, Mokimo

Voici d'autres recettes kenyanes de cette semaine ! :)

//Here are some more kenyan recipes from this week ! :)


For 4 people

Ingredients :

Water : ½ cup

Salt : ½ teaspoon

Flour : 2 cups

Vegetal oil

Preparation :

Step 1

Mix the water with the saltand a tablespoon of oil. Warm it up a little.

Step 2

Put the flour in a bowl and add the liquid slowly. Form a ball. The texture should be like a pizza dough (you can add some flour if the dough is too sticky). Knead until the dough moves back to how it look before when you push on it with your finger (stretch your biceps, it can be quite long...).

Step 3

Spread the dough (pretty thinly) with a rolling pin then add a small layer of oil on top of it.

Step 4

Cut the dough in 5 cm wide stripes. Roll the stripes (little a croissant) and pull the angles in the middle and push them in. Once done, spread them with the rolling pin again to form some circles. The size of them should be around the size of a hand (the dough should not be too thin or too thick).

Step 5

Heat up some oil in a frying pan (over medium heat) and cook your chapatis during about 1 minute on each side. Then remove them from the pan and put them on a metal strainer to allow the extra oil to drop in the bowl below.


For 4 people

Ingredients :

Potatoes : 8

Corn : around 300 g

Peas : around 300 g

Spinach’s or another green vegetable’s : 1 bouquet

Red onions : 2

Oil, salt and pepper

Preparation :

Step 1

Peel the potatoes. Make boil the peas and corn separately until they are cooked.

Step 2

Chop the spinach, put everything in a pot and boil it until the potatoes are cooked.

Step 3

Remove the pot from the fire and mash together until it’s homogenous.

Step 4

Chop the onions in small pieces. In a clean pot, pour some oil and sauté the onions.

Step 5

When the onions are golden, add the vegetables. Stir until everything is mixed and cook during around 4 minutes.

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