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Riz aux fèves ou à la "viande" ?//Beans or "meat" accompagnied rice ?

Bonjour !

Comment préférez-vous votre riz ? Avec des fèves ou de la "viande" ? Aujourd'hui, vous avez l'occasion de tester les deux ! :)

J’ai remplacé la viand par des “fausses viandes”.

J’ai remplacé la viande par des “fausses viandes” différentes (tempeh sur la photo) et je les ai cuites à la poêle pour ne pas qu’elles se désagrègent. J’ai mis 30 cL de bouillon de légume quand il fallait mettre le bouillon de viande dans la recette originale.

//Helloooo !

How do you prefer your rice ? With beans or "meat" ? Today, you can try both ! :)

Beans accompagnied rice

For 5 people

Ingredients :

For the beans and rice :

Beans : 450 g

Rice : 200 g

Water : 35 cL

Onion : 1

Dill : 1 big bouquet

Curcuma : ½ teaspoon

Dry grapes : 1 handfull

Fresh grenada : ½

Salt, pepper, olive oil

For the “meat” :

Meat substitutes : 550 g

Cornstarch : 1 tablespoon

Salt, pepper, olive oil

Yogurt sauce :

Plain yogurts : 2

Garlic : 2 cloves

Fresh mint : 4 branches

Salt, pepper

Preparation :

Step 1

For the rice and beans : Rince the rice and let it stand for 30 minutes in the water

Step 2

Peel and chop the onion. Heat some oil on a pan and sauté the onion to color it a little.

Step 3

Wash the dill and chop it with scissors. Add the beans, curcuma and dill. After 2 minutes, add the rice and water. Add salt and pepper and boil it a little until the water is almost completely evaporated.

Step 4

Add the grapes, cover and let it cook, from time to time, for 15 to 20 minutes.

Step 5

For the “meat” : cut the meat substitutes you got in cubes. Put it in cornstarch, salt and pepper to coat it with.

Step 6

Put it in the pan and make it golden for about 10 minutes.

Step 7

For the sauce : peel the garlic, wash and remove the mint leaves from the stems and chop them together. Mix the yogurts, salt and pepper.

Step 8

Serving : Serve warm the rice, put the meat substitutes on top of it and sparkle the grenada bits. Put some of the yogurt sauce on the side.

"Meat" accompagnied rice

For 4 people

Ingredients :

Meat substitutes : 750 g

Dry apricots : 12

Dry grapes : 100 g

Vegetable broth : 30 cL

Basmati rice : 2 small glasses

Thin vermicelli : 1 handfull

Water : 3 glasses

Salt and pepper

Tomato concentrate : 1 teaspoon


Preparation :

Step 1

Cook the meat substitutes on a pan. Reserve in the warmth when ready.

Step 2

Put the vegetable broth in a pot and add the tomato concentrate in. Add the apricots, salt, pepper and let it cook for 20 minutes to reduce the liquid.

Step 3

In a pan, cook the grapes in a little of oil and 6 tablespoons of water.

Step 4

In a pot, with a little of oil, make the vermicelli and rice golden then add 3 glasses of water and let it cook with a cover during 10 minutes.

Step 5

Serve the grapes covered rice and add the meat substitute on top then serve the apricot broth next to it and add on top of your plate as much as you want.

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