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Gabon !

Bonjour !

Je suis de retour de Porto Rico. C'était une très bonne semaine, ça a fait du bien de se reposer et d'être au soleil, loin de la neige et du froid québécois pour un temps.

Cette semaine, nous partons au Gabon. Il y aura peu de recettes parce que j'ai plusieurs travaux à rendre cette semaine et un peu de retard dans certaines de mes lectures. Bref, la semaine prochaine, nous irons au Qatar, car Alexandra a commenté que nous devrions aller en Asie. Connaissez-vous des recettes de ce pays ? Quel continent voulez-vous visiter la semaine d'après ?

Les deux premières recettes de cette semaine vont bien ensemble, c'est pourquoi il n'y a qu'une assiette, avec deux points de vue sur le plat. La première est du tofu mariné et grillé :

La daurade a été remplacé par un bloc de tofu fumé coupé en deux. Je ne sais pas pourquoi mais la sauce chez moi ressemblait plutôt à une salade. C'est bon aussi mais c'était surprenant.

Je n'ai pas trouvé de feuilles de taro, j'ai donc utilisé des épinards. Il faut beaucoup moins de temps à l'étape 2 du coup, environ 15 minutes. Aussi, je n'ai laissé cuire que 15 minutes à l'étape 6

//Hello !

I'm back from Puerto Rico. It was a really nice week, it was good to rest and be in the sun, far from the snow and the cold from Québec for a small time.

This week, we're going to Gabon. There will be just a few recipes because I have several work to give this week and I'm a little late on some of my lectures. So, next week, we'll go to Qatar, because Alexandra commented that we should go to Asia. Do you know recipes from this country ? Which continent do you want to visit the week after ?

The first two recipes of this week go well together, that's why there's just one plate on the pictures of the part in french, with two different points of view on the dish. The first one is marinated grilled tofu :

Grilled smoked tofu

Ingredients :

Smoked tofu : 1 block

Tomatoes : 2

Green pepper : 2

Chilli : 1

Lemon : 1

Lime : 6

Parsley : ½ bunch

Garlic : 4 cloves

4 spices : 1 teaspoon

Pepper, salt, bay leaves

Preparation :

Step 1

Cut the smoked tofu in 2 pieces in the less wide length.

Step 2

In a big hollow plate, marinate your tofu pieces in the juice of the lemons, 4 spices, salt and pepper. Let it marinate for 4 hours, turning the pieces around often.

Step 3

Sauce : peel and remove the seeds of the tomatoes and pepper. Cut them in small dices. Peel and crush the garlic. Wash and cut the parsley with scissors.

Step 4

In a sauceboat, pour the lemon juice, garlic, salt and pepper. Mix well and add the oil, tomatoes chillis and peppers.

Step 5

Cook your tofu on a pan.

Step 6

Serve with rice or quinoa and the taro leaves and mashed eggplants.

I don't know why but it looks like the sauce should look like a sauce and mine looks like a salad. It's good anyway but it was surprising.

Taro leaves and mashed eggplant

Ingredients :

Young taro leaves : 1 kg

Small african eggplants : 12

Tomatoes : 2

Garlic : 1 clove

Onion : 1

Oil, salt, pepper

Preparation :

Step 1

Boil the taro leaves in water for 2 hours, changing the water often to avoid the bitterness.

Step 2

Peel the eggplants and cook them to smash them.

Step 3

When the taro leaves are cooked, drain them and chop them thinely.

Step 4

Sauté the tomatoes, garlic, chilli and minced onion in a few tablespoons of oil.

Step 5

Add the chopped taro and the mashed eggplants, let it cook for an hour.

Step 6

Serve warm with the marinated and grilled tofu for example.

I couldn’t find taro leaves so I used spinach instead, it worked well. It just needed way less time in step 1 (about 15 minutes). Also, I let it cook for about 15 minutes on step 5.

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