Niemboue, Bananes au four//Niemboue, Bananas in the oven
Bonjour !
La suite des recettes de cette semaine se compose de deux recettes : une salée et une sucrée.
La première, salée, est le Niemboue :
J’ai remplacé le poulet par des haricots noirs que j'ai simplement mis à bouillir dans de l'eau et une casserole. Je n'avais pas non plus de sauce au noix de palme, j'ai donc utilisé du beurre de cacahuètes.
La seconde recette est sucrée et ce sont des bananes cuites au four :
J'ai remplacé l’œuf par plus de jus d'orange.
//Hi !
Today, we have the next two recipes of the week. One is savory, the other is sweet. The first one is Niemboue :
Total Time : 60 minutes
For 6 people
Ingredients :
Grain sauce : 1 kg
Black beans : 500 g
Bay leaves : 2 to 3
Chillis : 2
Chicken broth : 1 tablespoon
Onions : 2
Garlic : 3 to 4 cloves
Preparation :
Step 1
Heat up the sauce in a pot.
Step 2
Add the onions and garlic, cut in small dices. Stir with a wooden spoon then let it cook a little.
Step 3
Add then the chicken broth, bay leaves and salt.
Step 4
When the sauce starts to get thicker, add the black beans and some water. Let it cook for 15 to 25 minutes.
Step 5
At the end, add the chillis.
Step 6
Serve with rice, plantain or manioc.
My chicken broth is vegan. Even if it’s written “chicken” on the label, it’s not in the ingredients. The grain sauce is supposed to be made of palm nuts but I used peanut butter and it worked very well.
The second recipe is oven-cooked bananas :
Banana in the oven
Ingredients :
Banana : 1
Margarine : 1 pat
Orange juice : 4 tablespoons
Accompanying : vegan vanilla ice cream.
Preparation :
Step 1
Put the orange juice in a very small bowl
Step 2
Peel the banana, divide it in two pieces, then in three in the length.
Step 3
Pass one by one the slices of banana in the juice bowl, then in breadcrumbs.
Step 4
Preheat the oven on 350°F. Melt the margarine in a pan over medium heat, make the to faces of the banana golden in the pan, then drain it in a metal strainer. Put them on an oven tray.
Step 5
Put in the oven for 6 minutes.
Step 6
Let them cool down before serving with vegan vanilla ice cream, decorated with some fresh mint leaves.