Bonjour !
Voici la dernière recette de cette semaine, j'espère que ça vous a plu :) Pour ma part, toutes les recettes ont été un succès !
On termine avec le maffé :
J'ai remplacé la viande par 450 de saucisses de tofu, 200 g de lentilles et 100 g de petits pois. Je n'ai pas cuits les saucisses plus de 7-8 minutes. Si vous utilisez des lentilles et/ou des petits pois secs, vous devez les plonger dans un saladier d'eau dès la veille. Vous pouvez les ajouter au mélange en même temps que la viande.
//Hi !
Here are the last recipes of this week, I hope you enjoyed it :) I believe they were all successes ! We end this week with the maffé :
Ingredients :
Tofu sausages : 450 g
Lentils : 200 g
Peas : 100 g
Peanut butter : 125 g
Medium onions : 2
Tomatoes : 3
Tomato paste : 60 g
Garlic : 1 clove
Bouquet garni : 1
Oil : 8 cL (= ~2 tablespoons)
Powdered broth : 1 tablespoon
Water, salt, pepper
Chilli : 1
Carrots : 300 g (optional)
Cabbage : 200 g (optional)
Preparation :
Step 0
If your lentils and peas are dry ones, put them in a bowl of water the day before.
Step 1
Bring 1,5 L of water to boil and add the tofu sausages for 8 minutes. Reserve the sausages.
Step 2
Stir the peanut butter in 25 cL of warm water. Reserve.
Step 3
If you use the veggies, blanch the somewhat cut cabbage and reserve.
Step 4
Heat up the oil in a pot with thick bottom, add the finely chopped onions when the oil is barely warm and sauté them until they are translucent.
Step 5
Add the peeled tomatoes, tomato paste and crushed garlic clove. Mix well regularly with a wooden spoon so that the preparation doesn’t stick.
Step 6
Add the tofu sausages with ½ L of water and the powdered broth and add the salt, pepper and bouquet garni. Also add the lentils and peas. Bring to boil for 10 minutes.
Step 7
Pour the peanut butter in water and mix slowly together. Add ½ L of the broth that’s in the first pot. Add the cabbage and cut-in-slices carrots if you use them. Add salt and pepper. Bring to boil.
Step 8
Add the chilli without cutting it, it will float on the surface.
Step 9
Let it cook over medium heat for 50 minutes, stirring regularly. Taste and add, if needed, a little of salt.