Pérou !//Peru !
Bonjour !
Cette semaine, c'est reparti pour un voyage en Amérique avec le Pérou :) La semaine prochaine, nous irons au Kiribati comme Allison nous a suggéré de partir en Océanie. J'attends vos recettes de ce pays dans les commentaires, avec vos propositions de continent !
On commence tout de suite avec les papas huancainas : https://keskonmangemaman.blogspot.ca/ 2017/05/papas-huancainas-du-perou.html
Je n’ai pas mis d’oeufs. J’ai remplacé le lait concentré non sucré par de la crème de coco/soja/…
J’ai remplacé le poulet par 2 blocs de tofu. Mon bouillon de poulet en poudre est végan, il suffit de lire l’étiquette, il n’y a pas de poulet dedans. La bière que j’ai utilisé est végane aussi, voici le site (http://www.barnivore.com/) sur lequel vous pouvez savoir si l’alcool que vous voulez acheter est végan.
//Hello !
This week, we're going on a trip again in America with Peru :) Next week, we are going to Kiribati as Allison suggested we would go to Oceania. I'm waiting for your recipes from this country in the comment section, with your propositions for the next continent !
We begin right now with the papas huancainas :
Papas huancainas
For 4 people
Ingredients :
Potatoes : 1 kg
Cooking salt : 1 tablespoon
Coconut/soy/… cream : 125 mL
Coconut/soy/… yogurt : 5 tablespoons
Garlic : 1 clove
Breadcrumbs : 2 tablespoons
Red chilli pate : ½ teaspoon
Olive oil : 2 tablespoons
Chopped parsley : 2 tablespoons
Basil leaves : a few for decoration (optional)
Black olives
Salt and pepper
Preparation :
Step 1
Cook the potatoes for 20 minutes in boiling water with cooking salt (not too much though). Drain them.
Step 2
Sauce : but the yogurt in a blender with the cream, garlic, breadcrumbs, salt, pepper, chilli and oil and mix until you get a very onctuous sauce.
Step 3
Peel the potatoes and cut them in slices. Put them in a rosace on the plate, cover with sauce, sprinkle chopped parsley.
Step 4
Serve with ?? and a black olives salad. Decorate with basil.
My chicken broth is vegan, you can just read the label, there’s no chicken in it. The beer I used is also vegan, you can find out on this website (http://www.barnivore.com/) if your alcohol is vegan.
Peruvian tofu and rice
For 4 people
Ingredients :
Tofu : 2 blocks
Onion : 1
Garlic : 1 clove
Carrots : 2
Fresh peas : 400 g
Beer : 300 mL
Powdered chicken broth : 2 tablespoons + water : 700 mL
Yellow chillis : 2
Cumin : 2 teaspoons
Rice : 300 g
Red pepper : 1
Cilantro : 1 bunch
Salt, pepper, oil
Preparation :
Step 1
In a bowl, pour the bier and cumin. Add salt and pepper. Cut the tofu in slices then add it to the bowl and reserve it in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
Step 2
Peel and chop the garlic and onion. Peel the carrots and cut them in dices. Remove the peas from their pod. Wash and mince the chillis, wash and chop the cilantro, wash and seed the pepper then cut them in slices.
Step 3
Remove the tofu from the marinade, tap it with a clean piece of fabric and fry it for about 15 minutes in a pot, in some oil.
Step 4
Reserve and sauté the garlic and onion in the same oil for 2 to 3 minutes. Add the chillis, cilantro, carrots and peas. Cook them over low heat for 5 minutes.
Step 5
Moisten with the marinade and chicken broth mixed with water. Bring to boil and as soon as it does, pour the rice, cover and let it cook for 20 minutes over low heat.
Step 6
Add the pepper and tofu and let it cook for 10 to 15 minutes.